Customize your iPad / iPhone
NOTICE: The links to vendors / products on this page are an attempt to save you time searching for the specific item, by linking you directly to the item shown. You will notice I have multiple [when available] vendors to choose from. I have no personal preference as to who you decide to purchase from. I am not endorsing any particular product or vendor, I'm merely informing you what works and where you can purchase a CAC reader.
iPhone and iPad users CAN use their CAC to access CAC enabled websites . Please sign up for the Free Change Detection service at the top of this page to be automatically notified when new information is posted on this page. I will post information regarding these growing questions here as soon as I know about it.
. The Microsoft Surface Windows Pro originally went on sale on 9 February 2013. This version has the ability to install and use regular Windows programs.
The Microsoft Surface Windows RT went on sale 26 October 2012 and has an ARM processor and IS NOT able to install and use regular Windows programs. You can check your Enterprise Email with a CAC reader after you install the DoD Certificates.
Microsoft no longer sells the Windows RT version of the Surface
Six myths of Windows RT Revealed
The Microsoft Surface Windows RT will allow you to access sites like OWA (IF you have the "GEMALTO TOP DL GX4 144," "GEMALTO DLGX4-A 144," "GEMALTO DLGX4 128Kv2," "Oberthur ID One 128 v5.5 Dual," "Oberthur ID One v5.5a D," "G&D FIPS 201 SCE 3.2," or "G+D FIPS 201 SCE 7.0" CACs). All other CAC types are incompatible.
iPhone and iPad users can use their CAC to access CAC enabled websites
Two companies offer readers and software for iPhones & iPads
TwoCanoes Readers and Smart Card Utility app
USB C (for iPad), Lightning, and Bluetooth for iPhone / iPad Visit TwoCanoes website for more information about their readers and app Scroll down to the section titled Resources and select: US Government/DoD Installation Instructions. Scroll down and follow the instructions for downloading the DoD certificate profile to your iPad or iPhone
Sold by TX Systems
IPad Pro with a USB-C port [rather than lightning], you'll need this adaptor.
NOTE: When I tried this I was unable to get it to work
Understand the different Android versions and names I know of no current apps that will work with Android.
If you have questions or suggestions for this site, contact Michael J. Danberry
Last Update or Review: Tuesday, 15 August 2023 19:37 hrs
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