Awarded "Legion
of Merit" - 31 March 2015

Awarded "Bronze
Order of Mercury" - 15 December 2014
Awarded "Bronze
Order of Thor Medal" - 25 September 2014

Awarded "Meritorious
Service Medal" - 18 August 2014

Awarded "Military
Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal" - 3 November 2013

the CAC article in Army Times - 21 August 2017
US Army Warrant Officer Association
Newsliner magazine article - September 2013
MilitaryCAC and
the Army Knowledge Online (AKO) CAC Resource Center were both listed as references in Army Enterprise
Email message sent to all Soldiers' who's
accounts would be migrated to Enterprise Email - 16
January 2013
AKO Insider
magazine article - 30 May 2012
Army Times article (Part
1 | Part 2) - 29 November 2010
Community Page Administrator Workshop (CPAW)
presentation - August 2010
Awarded "Army Achievement
Medal" - 13 September 2009

assisted AKO from April 2009 until is was shut down in 2020. I used to answer emails
addressed to AKO.CAC and provide all of the content for the
AKO CAC Resource
Have been a computer
geek since receiving first computer [Commodore VIC 20]
in January 1981.
CAC installation
assistance has been ongoing since in November 2007 because the need for this information
should be available to everyone. Personal
satisfaction is
helping people when most "help desks" can't or
refuse to. The best payment you can give is
website with your colleagues, and post some
small tear off tab signs at
your unit, or purchase some
memorabilia. Donations
are obviously accepted too.
This website does not have banner and flashing webpage ads, therefore, it is
personal funds (along with the donations) that are used to pay for
webhosting, domain name registration(s), and SSL certificate
to keep this site as clean and quick loading as possible.
While deployed in 2003 to
Kuwait & Iraq for
Operation Iraqi Freedom,
worked as the SIPR webmaster for the 3d
COSCOM / V Corps Rear G6.
When V Corps moved to Baghdad, I assumed the duties of the System Administrator and
became the "Go to guy" for the 3d COSCOM. I still maintained the
SIPR website, but also took care of the
maintenance and administrative tasks for three separate networks, including 13 servers in our facility,
helped facilitate the install of CENTRIXS on
Balad, and continued to assist everyone with their computer problems.
Soon after returning from Iraq in
early 2004, I moved to Minnesota (Minneapolis / Saint Paul) and sought out
being an IMR for the 88th
completed Level 1 IASO,
IASO Technical Level 1, and the SA / NMSC at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin to become
a tier level II technician.
I have an Associate of Applied
Science degree in Network Development from
Brown College in
Minnesota, carry three CompTIA certifications.
The Army Reserve started using
CAC logon in May 2006. I [once again] became the "Go to
guy" for my Army Reserve Center and Minnesota. I thought Why stop
there? I could use my website and knowledge of CAC and
share it with you.
In 2010, the Army
allowed me to leave the Ordnance Corps and join the Signal Corps after a
7.5 month long WOBC at Fort Gordon, GA, I
finally became an official Army Computer Geek.
I retired from the Army on 1 March 2015, and now help
the Army via the Army Enterprise Service Desk-Worldwide
(AESD-W) as a contractor (which has no affiliation with this website).
This website allows me to help people in all
branches of the Military worldwide!!
Thanks for visiting my
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